Helping to sustain a pathway in a new world with a hand on the past & an eye on the future.



The Foundation’s mission & core values address the lasting impact that programmatic support will bring to community members & the region. Through the Foundation we are working to ensure the health & wellness of our people & the region in order that we continue to sustain ourselves through self-governance, economic independence, cultural continuity, & cultural and physical wholeness & health.



The Continuous Pathways Foundation supports the cultivation and continuation of culture, education, leadership, community and individual wellness, and economic independence for the Pueblo of Pojoaque and northern New Mexico region.


Self-Sufficiency: Effecting sovereignty,   stability, & economic independence.

Continuity: Empowering culture & arts.

Education: Developing & investing in tomorrow’s leaders.

Wellness: Preparing a healthy & holistic community in body, mind, & spirit.

Nah Poeh Meng "The Continuous Pathway"


Our resolve is to fortify ourselves by preparing for the future. We teach and preserve our culture. But to survive we must also advance our businesses to secure economic independence and cultural sovereignty. 

Culture alone cannot guarantee our pueblo’s healthy future.  We must grow strong community members through education in our own culture as well as the broader world. There are a number of remarkable facilities located within the Pueblo.  The Wellness Center, Boys and Girls Clubs, Senior Center, Bison Program, farming programs, language retention program and the Poeh Center and Museum all help us sustain individual and community well-being as well as develop future leadership and economic independence. 

While tribal gaming operations are important source of revenue, we understand that there is a need to diversify our economies rather than rely on gaming as an exclusive or long-term solution to the economic and governmental challenges in Native communities.

Pojoaque’s current success cannot be confined to a single generation; developing the next generation of leaders and responsible tribal members requires a singular focus and dedication. Investment in the Pueblo and the region helps safeguard our future to continue our ancient traditions and its integration into modern and productive lives.



Statement of History


The continuous Pathways Foundation was established in 2013 as a nonprofit organization to help bring stability and self-sufficiency to the Pueblo of Pojoaque and the region.  The Foundation is an independent entity that is outside of tribal government and Pueblo enterprises; charged with the responsibility to forge innovative approaches and help shift the prevailing paradigm from governmental and gaming dependence to economic and government sovereignty. Importantly, the Foundation is working to connect ancient knowledge and culture with the modern needs of education, culture, and wellness.  Finally, to help create more sustainability, the foundation is promoting entrepreneurial models for tribal programs, facilitating the connecting of resources both inside and outside of the Pueblo, and building collaborative partnerships. 

The Continuous Pathways Foundation is part of a vision of the Pueblo of Pojoaque and a healthy and sustainable future for their community and homeland.  The Pueblo of Pojoaque recognizes that economic success cannot be confined to a single generation.  He and his council have also charged the Continuous Pathways Foundation to help in ensuring that future generations are lead by traditional values and culture.  While the Foundation is invested in supporting the Pueblo it is also charged with working to better the education and wellness opportunities for all northern New Mexicans.   The Pueblo of Pojoaque leadership and their council acknowledge that healthy communities benefit everyone.  

Tribal leadership believes that while the Pueblo of Pojoaque has been at the forefront among New Mexico tribes in establishing educational opportunities, youth and senior development centers, and holistic wellness, there continues to be a need to strengthen local leadership and establish a philanthropy program that more actively engages community, unites projects, and increases opportunities for charitable giving.  Moreover, with nearly 50% of the Pueblo’s population under the age of 18, development of new leadership and a sustainable future is essential. 

While tribal resources are limited there are businesses and friends of Pojoaque that have never been asked to support tribal programs. Additionally, the foundation expects to engage community members in problem solving critical issues such as the language revitalization programs and seemingly intractable health issues.  An important part of the Foundation’s work is facilitating conversations and community assessments serving as the foundation for the planning and prioritization of issues.

The phase of development we are currently in is to establish the Continuous Pathways Foundation identity, operations, and identifying innovative approaches. The Pueblo has asked Bruce Bernstein PhD to create and operate the organization.  The foundation is lead by a board of directors and they have approved articles of incorporation and by laws that are filed with the state of New Mexico and is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.